Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 7 Recap

Week 7 Recap

Big thing for me is I'm starting to gain weight back. Before injury I was 187 lbs and around 6% body fat. 4 weeks post surgery I dropped to 175. I'm back up to 181

The start of the week started off great. Knee felt stable and strong. However, the upper outside of the knee (IT Band) remained inflamed and hurt all week. Working out and riding a bike wasn't an issue once I was fully warmed up and stretched. The pain in the IT band was worse in mornings or walking up steps. This pain continued all week.

Workouts were extremely strong this week. Rode a stationary bike for 25 minutes Monday morning and had a strong physical therapy session in the afternoon. Physical therapy was more of the same from previous 3-4 weeks, but working out/riding bike in morning made a difference and leg was already tired. It forced me to push myself even more and I really felt like I had a great PT session.

Tuesday evening I decided to go for the first very light jog on grass to see how knee would respond. We ended up running 2 laps around a football field, and 8 down and backs across width of field. Swelling and pain was very, very minimal.

Thursday evening's workout started with a 15 minute stationary bike ride and about 5 minutes on the elliptical. I ended up squatting with free weights for first time since weeks prior to the injury. At first I was pretty scared of putting any weight on the bar, fearing knee wasn't stable, legs were weak, and balance wasn't there. However, after a few warm up sets, everything felt normal. No pain, no weakness, no balance issues. I ended up doing sets of 225x25 reps x 2 sets, and 275 x 10 reps.

40-50 miles of stationary bike
15-20 minutes of light jogging
squat 225x25x2 and 275x10
golfed 18 holes
2 sessions of physical therapy
4 upper body work outs.